Who We Are
Ekklesia = “called out ones”
(“ek” = out of + “kaleo” = to call)
“Ekklesia” (pronounced “ek” ‘leh” “see” “ah”) is a Greek word to reflect our move out of the corporate world to heed a call to secure our local culture, well-paying jobs, and community engagement by partnering with business owners to grow and strengthen their companies or transition it to the next generation of local owners. On another level, “Ekklesia” was used in the Greek translation of the New Testament for the word “church,” not the building, but the followers of Christ who went out into the world to proclaim the good news. Thus “Ekklesia” is the intersection of personal faith and a call to secure Hawaii’s local culture, well-paying jobs, and community engagement by perpetuating locally-owned and operated businesses.
The Hanapepe salt pond pictured above also has special meaning for David as both of his parents were born and raised in Hanapepe, Kauai and it also visually symbolizes the call to be “salt & light” in our community. Kauai has a special place in David’s heart which is why he refers to the Garden Isle as “God’s island.”
"Capital” = …
“Capital” has a broader meaning to us than the monetary financial capital often associated with private equity firms who share the namesake. Included in our definition of capital is the human capital — the work contributed by individuals for the benefit of others, social capital — the leveraging of the power of two or more gathered for the benefit of others, and spiritual capital — the interceding for others for divine intervention in our daily lives by a higher spiritual authority, God.
Our Vision
To see Hawaii’s business community known worldwide as a place where businesses thrive despite the natural odds, and where business owners maintain mutually-beneficial relationships with their employees, customers, suppliers and each other, and where economic productivity is so high that well-paying jobs are the norm and in-balance with an environmentally sustainable lifestyle and economically sustainable cost of living.
Our Mission
Our mission is to rapidly scale our operating model to have meaningful and value-enhancing relationships with more than half of the local businesses in the State of Hawaii to achieve our vision.
Our Founder
David Oyadomari, Founder and Managing Director
David created Ekklesia Capital to help business owners build, grow, and secure Company Value to the 4th generation and beyond. David served on the management committee of American Savings Bank responsible for Customer Experience & Operations, managing committee at Bank of Hawaii responsible for Retail digital-physical transformation, online & mobile, ATMs, Contact Center, Deposit, Payments, and Lending Products. He also held executive positions at Roberts Hawaii, Sprint Hawaii, two early-stage tech start-ups and worked in global management consulting to the Fortune 500. He brings over 25 years of experience in new market & product development, cost reduction, organizational design, and retail & digital transformation. Born and raised in Hawaii, David has a deep love, appreciation, and understanding of local culture, how business works in Hawaii, and our community values. David has spent time as an advisor to the $6.2 billion private equity firm FTV Capital and as an Omidyar Fellow. He holds a bachelors degree, magna cum laude, in Economics and Philosophy from Claremont McKenna College and master in business administration from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.